Over the years due to injuries and health conditions, I’ve spent a good bit of time with various Doctors in the Mid Ohio Valley.
As an Individual without health insurance, whether ER stays or daily appointments, it is daunting.
Most of the time I’ve left these situations feeling down because of the lack of attention and answers; piled medical bills I can’t pay, without resolve of the issue.
From the first time I met Dr. Brooks, I was blown away by the amount of time he took, not only to sit and listen to my story and what was going on, but to take the time to address everything individually.
The first time I saw him, he sat with me for close to an hour; unheard of.
MHOP is a top notch facility.
Dr. Brooks isn’t just my Doctor now, He’s my friend, and he cares.
This is a true fix for those that don’t have the time due to their busy schedule or the resources to chase the traditional pathway to medical advice, help, answers, and healing.
It’s refreshing to know I can lean on something more than an urgent care, a grossly expensive ER, or the frustration of waiting around when I have a health issue that needs addressed ASAP.
I’m excited to support this top shelf endeavor. Thankful to have an operation like this in our community.
I’m relieved to finally have my Dr. available when I need him.
Thanks again Dr. Brooks!
Check them out! Highly recommended!
Jesse Smith
Parkersburg, WV